WATTs2022(1)Following the biblical model in Titus 2 and the goal to come alongside one another, it is the aim of our women's Bible study to encourage one another in our role as godly women.

Women of different ages and stages of life are given the opportunity to study scripture and pray together. Older/younger mentoring relationships and accountablility are encouraged.

Begining Tuesday September 12th at 7pm, we will meet two Tuesday evenings per month for teaching, prayer, fellowship and encouragement! This year we will also meet Thursday mornings twice a month for those who can't attend the evening meetings.

Consider joining us this fall as we begin a year long book study of Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes .

 Leader | Brandy Elsner


Discipline for Godliness

Discipline of the Gospel

Disciplines of Submission

Discipline of Prayer

Discipline of Worship

Discipline of Mind

Discipline of Contentment

Discipline of Propriety

Discipline of Perseverance

Discipline of the Church

Discipline of Singleness

Discipline of Marriage

Discipline of Good Deeds

Discipline of Witness

Discipline of Giving & Grace of Discipline